Everything you need to know about HDRPE geomembrane

Posted on November 11, 2022November 11, 2022Categories HDRPE, Pond Liner

HDRPE is used for ponds, lakes, golf courses, mining operations, retention ponds, fish farms, green landscapes, reservoirs, tanks, pools, environmental fills, concrete foundations, tarps, infrastructure and thousands of other uses.

It is a high-density waterproofing polyethylene geomembrane , which is manufactured under strict quality controls. Its construction is based on virgin resins that do not contain additives or fillers that can evaporate and cause deterioration as time progresses. This geomembrane, better known by its acronym in English as HDPE, is the most used material for lining in solid waste deposits in mines. In addition, others that have to do with the containment of liquids. Definitely if we should recommend where to apply it, it would be in projects with low permeability, resistance against ultraviolet rays, and exceptionally high chemicals.


The HDPE geomembrane is of great thermal and chemical resistance. It stands out because it is not attacked by acids, it resists water at 100 ° C, flexible at low temperatures since it is made of high-density, high-molecular-weight polyethylene.
The main functions of the HDPE geomembrane are waterproofing, protection and separation. For this reason, it is considered one of the most effective waterproofing systems, which combines low initial cost, high resistance and durability. Also, do not forget that for it to work well, you have to know how to choose those with adequate thicknesses, according to your application. Remember that the installation process is rigorous but that it allows a good lifetime of the HDPE geomembrane.


The main functions of the HDPE geomembrane are waterproofing, protection and separation. For this reason, it is considered one of the most effective waterproofing systems, which combines low initial cost, high resistance and durability. Also, do not forget that for it to work well, you have to know how to choose those with adequate thicknesses, according to your application. Remember that the installation process is rigorous but that it allows a good lifetime of the HDPE geomembrane .


This type of geomembrane is often used too much in:
:: The waterproofing of landfills and leachate ponds.
:: In the waterproofing of platforms and slopes of roads, railways, etc.
:: For coatings in water conduction channels for irrigation.
:: In hydraulic and mining projects.
:: In the Oxidation lagoons.
:: Biodigestores.
:: Tanks of Molasses.
:: Hydrocarbon storage tanks.
:: Artificial lakes.
:: Landfills.
:: Coating.
:: Hoyas of rainwater catchment, and among other works.

Do you know how to repair HDPE geomembranes?

Posted on November 11, 2022November 11, 2022Categories HDRPE, Pond Liner

With the massive fall of leaves and species beginning to dry up, the spaces housing water and plants in the garden now require certain tasks to see them splendorous again in spring.

When autumn arrives, the main care for the health of the pond and the aquatic plants that inhabit it is to avoid the incorporation of large amounts of organic matter, either by the fall of leaves characteristic of this time, or by the species palustres, floating and rooted that dry up with the first frosts.
The decomposition of all this material in the water body generates a double problem. On the one hand, the gases caused by fermentation, dissolved in water, can affect fish; on the other hand, the nutrients caused in this process serve as food for algae, especially at the beginning of spring, when they proliferate.

To avoid these problems, the most effective option is to cover the water with a net that prevents the entry of leaves or, if possible, with a transparent nylon. This not only serves the same function, but also acts as a greenhouse, prolonging the growth and flowering of some species, allowing us to continue enjoying the pond. If it is not possible to cover it, remove the leaves on the surface with a flake or net and clean the mulch that accumulates on the bottom.

Also at this time it is necessary to prune all the dry or burnt material by the cold, especially that of the palustres and floating, which is the most voluminous.

Solutions start at the very moment we plan the construction of the pond, looking for places that are away from deciduous trees. This will not only prevent a massive fall of leaves in the water, but also the possible breakage of the pond by the action of the roots.

Another topic to keep in mind about the care of ponds in autumn is to know which wind predominates in the area and which is its main direction. In this way, it is avoided to drag the fallen material towards the pond. One solution is to place high marsh species as a barrier.

3 Pond Liner Installation Mistakes to Avoid

Posted on November 11, 2022November 11, 2022Categories HDRPE, Pond Liner

Pond liners

are made of impermeable materials designed to retain water. We recommend buying the correct type and thickness of pond liner to meet demands of pond size and reduce maintenance issues over its lifetime. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid when buying and installing your  liner: • Guided by price alone:  We recommend you choose a membrane that is thick enough to resistant puncturing, one that is not likely to deteriorate when exposed to the sunlight and that is strong enough to line a pond for many years. It is worth spending a little more upfront to avoid problems later. Plastic or PVC liners are not as durable as rubber liners such as Butyl or Epalyn. The best choice for a garden pond would be a 30 mill thick HDRPE liner.

Ordering the incorrect size pond liner: Once you have dug the hole, measure it accurately in three directions – the length, breadth and depth. Then go online to put these figures into a pond liner size calculator to get the exact dimensions. Remember to factor in extra for the lip to anchor the liner over the edge of your pond – at least 2 feet/0.15m overlap to go around the entire rim of your pond.

Failure to secure the edges of the liner: When installing the liner, generously overlap the edges to make sure your feature is water tight. If the overlap is insufficient, the sides of the pond will become exposed as you start to fill your pond with water. The overlap must then be secured in place with your choice of edging material.

Avoid these mistakes to ensure you create your dream garden pond that will give you years of pleasure.

Types of geomembrane for symbiotic aquaculture

Posted on November 11, 2022November 11, 2022Categories HDRPE, Pond Liner

The geomembrane for symbiotic aquaculture is one of the most important elements in the beginning of aquaculture projects. The beginning entails the purchase of material machinery necessary for the aquaculture farm, fish farm or shrimp farm. In a large number of occasions, the necessary information is not available to choose the appropriate aquaculture instruments or materials. Our trajectory as project developers and consultants has given us the opportunity to identify the shortcomings that producers have at the beginning of the projects. Thus, 85% of investors and producers are lacking in information on the characteristics of the machinery and materials.

What is a geomembrane or liner for symbiotic aquaculture?

A geomembrane or liner is a waterproof sheet composed of plastic resins and chemical additives that give it certain qualities. Usually the most used additives are carbon, antioxidants and thermal stabilizers. These substances give the geomembrane mechanical resistance, against ultraviolet rays and against heat.

There are many types of geomembranes depending on the polymer they are made of. For example: PVC (Polyvinyl chloride). PP (Polypropylene). PS (Polystyrene). PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). LDPE (Low Density Reinforce Polyethylene) or HDRPE (High Density Polyethylene). Some of these polymers are used to manufacture bottles. Others for plastic packaging, others for pipes and so on. Of all of them, the geomembranes or liners most used in symbiotic aquaculture are those made with HDRPE or LDPE.

Differences between geomembranes for
HDRPE and LDPE symbiotic aquaculture

HDRPE (High Density Reinforce Polyethylene) is a thermoplastic polymer of ethylene, polymerized by free radicals. Like LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene). The latter has three or four carbon atoms. It is also confused with various branches at the molecular level. This makes them have a low density and that increase their flexibility at the cost of their resistance. The HDPL has almost no ramifications. So it has a more compact structure that increases its rigidity at the cost of flexibility. In this way, HDRPE is more resistant to mechanical stress, tensile breakage or impacts than LDPE. However, this one is more flexible. Usually, for symbiotic aquaculture, the HDRPE geomembrane or liner is more used due to its greater resistance.

Why choose our HDPE geomembrane?

Because at PONDLINERUSA we have all the necessary resources to offer the best option on the market in terms of cost-benefit ratio when it comes to the safe containment of toxic products.

If you want to know more about our geomembranes made with high-density polyethylene sheets, contact us and our customer service team will offer you all the information you need.

Ways to Consider Water in Your Permaculture Garden Design

Posted on November 10, 2022November 11, 2022Categories Pond Liner

Permaculture water features can both serve important functions and enhance the visual appeal and amenity of a space.

In a permaculture garden, water is always an important element to consider: You need to think carefully about water in all permaculture designs.

As a permaculture designer, I know managing water effectively in a garden can be about more than just best ecological practices. Permaculture water features can both serve important functions and enhance the visual appeal and amenity of a space.

Below are a few examples of permaculture water features from three of my recent projects. These ideas spotlight how permaculture designs can be beautiful as well as useful and can help you think about how you can include water in your garden designs.

Permaculture Ponds and Wetland Chain

This larger water feature was a key component of the design, and will greatly enrich both the visual appeal and biodiversity of the farm site.

A Gravity-Fed Waterfall and Canal Irrigation Feature

I also recently worked on an artist’s garden in Scotland. The artist in question wished to create a dramatic water feature of some kind, to create an attractive vista. She also wanted to make her garden not only a beautiful space but also one which was as productive as possible. The garden was largely level but had a steep slope at the northern end of the space. We decided to create a pond near the highest point in the garden, collecting water from the slopes above, and feed water naturally down from here via a rocky waterfall feature to a canal, feeding a second pond, and irrigation for a polyculture flower and vegetable garden. The whole permaculture water feature was designed to be visually appealing, while also managing water flow effectively to make the most of the natural rainfall and retain as much water on the site as possible.

Ponds With Chinampas and Aquaponics Integration

Ponds cannot just be visually appealing and biodiverse features to add to a garden. The ponds themselves can also be food-producing features. I have designed ponds that have chinampas (rafts of vegetative matter) build in/ on them in which produce can be grown. Of course, many other edible pond plants can be integrated into and around the edges of the pond, including a number of aquatic plants and marginals.

Another excellent idea and common permaculture element involve integrating a pond into an aquaponics system. The pond contains fish, which fertilize the water. And this water can then be pumped around a hydroponic growing system in a range of different ways.

One interesting idea is to place a pond partially inside and partially outside a polytunnel or other undercover growing area. The diverse habitats which can be created can increase diversity and open up a range of other interesting options for integration.

Adding a body of water inside a polytunnel or greenhouse structure can aid in temperature regulation through adding thermal mass, which can bring an increased range of possibilities when it comes to what you can successfully grow inside. The higher temperatures in an undercover growing area can also potentially allow you to rear different fish in cooler temperate climate zones, so this is something else to consider.

These are just a few ideas from my own design work, and there are plenty of other interesting and intriguing options to consider when it comes to managing and using water in your garden. The key thing is to think about the best options for your particular site. Each site is different and comes with its own unique range of challenges and opportunities. Always design for the terrain and the climate and the characteristics of your area.

I hope that these ideas will serve as an inspiration and help you think big and outside the box when it comes to adding water features in your own permaculture garden.

Green water in your garden pond?

Posted on November 10, 2022November 11, 2022Categories Garden, Pond Liner

With the arrival of spring, those of you with water features
are getting them ready.

Summer is the most challenging time of year for pond and water feature enthusiasts
Keeping pond water clear and clean in 90-degree heat with 16 hours of sunlight takes some advance preparation. This is because water temperature is the key to controlling pond algae.
There are many tricks for keeping pond water cool, and you should use as many as you can.
One way is with water plants. Experienced water gardeners store stock up on annual pond plants early in the year; “floaters” like water lettuce and water hyacinth.

These plants multiply rapidly on the pond surface, forming a living “umbrella” that casts shade on the water. Perennial water lilies are also very helpful in keeping sun from warming pond water.
By August, vegetation should cover most of your pond’s surface.
Ponds in direct sun all day are the hardest to manage. You can use plantings along pond banks, particularly on the southwest side, to shade the water during the hottest part of the day.
Overhanging shrubs and ornamental grasses work well, and so do trees. There are lots of perennials that thrive along pond banks or in shallow water. These plants are called “aquatic marginals,” and many of them are perennials that will come back each year.

In addition to making a natural appearance, they help create a balanced environment around ponds that helps control algae.
Keeping water rapidly moving is another important aspect to controlling “green water” in your pond. Waterfalls and fountains mix in fresh oxygen to keep water from becoming stagnant. Rapidly moving water prevents “hot spots”, mixing cool subsurface water constantly.

To prevent “hot spots”, water should circulate completely from one end of the pond to the other, twice each hour. Make sure your pump is sized large enough. A 1000-gallon pond should have at least a 2000 gallon-per-hour pump (or larger if the pump “lifts” water up a hill or to a waterfall).
Well-designed water features are lined completely with rock. Black plastic pond liners have only one-third the surface area necessary for algae-eating bacteria to colonize. Black liners soak up the sun’s rays, acting as solar water heaters. Hiding the liner with rock reduces solar heating.
Rocks and pebbles equalize the night and day temperatures, cooling the water by day and warming it at night. Gaps between stones give fish a place to hide from predators, and act as natural filters by harboring beneficial bacteria.

A healthy living pond environment provides enough food for goldfish and snails, who help keep the pond clean. Fish wastes, in turn, help feed pond plants.
Overfeeding of fish is a major cause of algae bloom in water features. We stock our pond with bait goldfish, and never add fish food of any kind.

The fish thrive by eating mosquito and frog eggs, tadpoles, algae and insects, scrubbing the pond naturally.
Every water feature has “issues” with string algae, particularly during the summer months. We recommend fish-safe, plant-safe algae control products like AlgaeFix and barley straw, and use them in our own pond, but they are only one ingredient in a successful “recipe” for clean, clear water.
The key to clear water is a healthy balance of good design, water circulation, plants and fish.
These elements create a healthy environment similar to natural stream beds, where plants, insects and animals live in harmony in clean, clear water.